Thursday, September 3, 2009

Be My Friend

This is a quick sketch study Oil on Linen 9x12, as a basis for a larger painting, maybe for a cold winter studio work session.
Created from digital photos taken on a beautiful sunny summer morning sitting on a bench along the promenade at Sandymount Strand, Dublin, in August 2008


  1. If a finished work of mine was this good Myles, I would be a happy man.

    Nice blog.


  2. Hello Myles, I just came across your blog, I love this painting. It's nice to have a chance to view others artists work ,especially those who you have painted with. I'm busy working on my fiber art and I too started a blog this Spring. Feel free to check it out
    Paulette Lancaster

  3. Hi Myles, you might not remember me, but we painted the "LOVE" sign at the IMA together, in Jerry Points' class. I just found your blog, love this painting. It's what I'd love to be able to do! Keep it up!
